Drone Real Estate Drone Photography / Real Estate Drone Videography Pricing


SkyCam Imagery offers competitive drone photography and drone videography pricing. SkyCam Imagery's bronze, silver, gold, and platinum bundles are the best deals. Which include both drone photos.


Discounts for multiple flights!


Schedule 2 flights and get 25% off!


All residential packages include video & photo editing with the ability to add your brand to the photo or video.


Real Estate Bronze

Residential Drone Photography Pricing - $100

Commercial Drone Photography Pricing - $150


• 8 Hi-Res Aerial Photos      

• Editing & color-grading & 

  your company branding  



* Max altitude is decided by the

  airspace the listing is in.         

* 12.50 for each additional        

aerial photo                           

* 15.00 for each additional         

  video clip.                                 


    Do a large property listing? Click below to get a quote!

 Real Estate Silver

Residential Drone Photography Pricing - $150

Commercial Drone Photography Pricing - $200


           • 12 Hi-Res Aerial Photos           

          • 1 High definition 4K 360         

degree orbit of the     


• Editing, color-grading &

    your company branding



* Max altitude is decided by the

  airspace the listing is in.         

* 12.50 for each additional        

aerial photo                           

* 15.00 for each additional         

  video clip.                                 


    Do a large property listing? Click below to get a quote!

Real Estate Gold

Residential Drone Photography Pricing - $250

Commercial Drone Photography Pricing - $300


• Up to 16 Hi-Res Aerial Photos 

• 4K fully edited video 2 to 4      

minutes long, with music       

• 4K 360 aerial orbit                     

of the property.                       

• Video Editing, color-grading &

your company branding       




* Max altitude is decided by the

  airspace the listing is in.         

* 12.50 for each additional        

aerial photo                           

* 15.00 for each additional         

  video clip.                                 


    Do a large property listing? Click below to get a quote!

Real Estate Platinum

Residential Drone Photography Pricing - $325

Commercial Drone Photography Pricing - $375


• Up to 20 Hi-Res Aerial Photos

• 4K fully edited video 2 to 4     

minutes long, with music.    

• 4K 360 aerial orbit                    

of the property.                     

• 2D Top down orthomosaic     

map of the entire property. 

• Video Editing, color-grading &

your company branding       



* Max altitude is decided by the

  airspace the listing is in.         

* 12.50 for each additional        

aerial photo                           

* 15.00 for each additional         

  video clip.                                 


    Do a large property listing? Click below to get a quote!

2D/3D Orthomosaic Map


Starts at $150


Starts at $200


50% off in combination with any other package!


• Top Down 2D Orthomosaic

Job-Site Map                      

    • 2d orthomosaic maps are       

great for measurements   

required for estimates.     

    • Excellent for job planning        

and providing progress      



* Max altitude is decided by the

  airspace the listing is in.         

* 12.50 for each additional        

aerial photo                           

* 15.00 for each additional         

  video clip.                                 


    Do a large property listing? Click below to get a quote!